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♥Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I know you're fed up with relinking me again, so you may or may not relink me, it's up to you.

(If you don't you're a moron and have no friends :D )

Nah, just kidding. It's your choice, but I'd appreciate it yeah. And I'm going to keep this blog, because I can't import all my Blogger posts and these memories have been with me for so long, I can't bear to throw them away ):

See you at StainedLipGloss @ Livejournal! If you're really that fed up with me and absolutely refuse to go to another one of my relinks, I guess it's goodbye forever. (:

So long, suckaaaas.


♥Friday, July 06, 2007

Look at Chenyin's spastic reflection in the shades I'm wearing.

Keep a straight face when you tell a lie
Always keep an airtight alibi
Keep it hid in the dark

What he don’t know won’t break his heart

What if I had a thing on the side?
Made you cry
Would the rules change up or would they still apply?
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes, I wish I did act like a boy.

If I played you, would you like that?


went to Changi Village to eat. Reached home at like 1030pm. And this girl stared daggers at me because I think her boyfriend looked at me while I walked past or something. Like please who wants him, other than her.

Brought my camera again to school yesterday! :D

Oh and I borrowed Ashley's shades but couldn't find her later to return them to her -.-

They were nice :D

Okay time for pictures, goodbye.

I need new friends.

I really need new friends.

Why so emo.


HAHA FINE so I made up number 11. But it's cool.
My boyfriend and I (: (below. not Ryan eww, HAHA)

Love you Spencer dear.


♥Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ashley has a secret fetish for licking Nicholas' nipples.

Hey suckers :D

I'm not going to blog out my results, because I think that people who post their results on blogs are damn damn annoying so I shall not be one of them. If you think that you DIE ALSO MUST KNOW, then you can ask me, I really don't mind telling you, no matter how lousy they are because ohwell they were expected (:


Anyway, ate at KFC with Spencer dear after school, then bused home (: That's it I guess.

Ooh and took pictures in school using the camera that darling bought for me, and camwhored with Ryan during TCM. The stupid teacher scolded us for talking but we weren't! We were passing notes only like shithell that guy is really stupid.

Ciao ciaos ;D

Stupid, me and Chenyin

Cool gravity defying trick :D

Hardworking Justina. The lesser known side of me.

Stupid being stupider than usual xD




This picture (above) pretty much sums up my opinion of him.


♥Wednesday, July 04, 2007

What if I played you like a toy?


Today is a very significant day (:

Spencer and I knew each other for only two weeks, then we got together.

Today, we've been together for two years, two months and two days.

And we've known each other for two years, two months, two weeks and two days (including the two weeks when we weren't together yet).

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Love you always darling.

After school, we wanted to watch a movie but couldn't make it in time, ohwell.

So we went to my condo, sat under the gazebo and ordered Pizza Hut (:


Irritating cat, ARGH.

Laughed like pigs (wrong metaphor but whatever) at Yusof Bin Ishak's siao ding dong face.

He has a nice smile (:


Aiya his big head ruin my zilian moment.

Better! :D



♥Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Justina's boyfriend here again. Spencer, for those of you that didn't already know.
The other day, we went back to AHS just to eat the chicken rice there =p. I ordered my fried chicken rice with two servings of chicken, extra rice, extra egg, and an extra chicken fillet. My honey Justina, on the other hand, ordered a simple plate of white chicken rice.

So. While we were eating, I asked her if she wanted to try some of my chicken. This is how the conversation went:

Me: You wanna try?
She: No I don't eat roast chicken.
Me: This is not roast chicken, this is fried chicken.
She (after pausing for a second): This is roast chicken how stupid do you think I am?!



♥Monday, July 02, 2007



Met Spencer dearsxz during his break time (: Then he went back to school and JJ, Zhihong, Melvin and Benedict came over.


Seriously okay and if you say that you can't believe it you are a half assed moron (:

Then JJ taught me how to play squash.... Let's not talk about it -.-

And then Spencer came again and I ran up to take change. Then we bought loads of tidbits from the vending machine downstairs and ate it all at the clubhouse mwahaha. AND SPENCER CHEATS IN GAMES ):

I think we're getting results tomorrow and I'm SO not looking forward to it. Oh gawd I hate TJC so much sometimes I just feel like dying -.- I know it's pointless to keep saying this but that's really how I feel.

There's no one else to slack with me and skip school and stuff. Like shitfuck are exams really that important? In the end, even if you study, you fail, and doesn't that just suck more? I can never really understand why results are so important to some people. It's just a piece of paper in your report book like hello.

The best thing is just to not study. Because if you don't study, you have no expectations, and you'll never be disappointed.

Remember that (:



♥Sunday, July 01, 2007

Pictureless post because I forgot to bring my camera.

JCTs are over.

Okay actually I don't really have a lot to celebrate because it's not like I mugged my ass off before and during JCTs anyway, so the day it ended felt pretty ordinary and not worth celebrating at all.

Actually, I felt quite sad when JCTs ended. Yes I know I sound crazy, but I love it when school ends early everyday (except Monday) and I can get to go out.

So anyway! After Math paper 2 ended on Friday, went back home and slept till 1, then Spencer came over and we went out. Went to Marina Square. Poor Spencer had to walk with me around Topshop, Zara, Miss Selfridge, Mango, etc while I looked through practically ALL the racks. In the end, I didn't even buy a single item HAHA. Sorry dear ):

After that, walked to Raffles City and ate DIN TAI FUNG (: OMGOMGOMG XIAOLONGBAO! I think that they serve xiao long baos in heaven, cause it tastes so damn gooooood. I TREATED SPENCER :D To make up for all the times he treated me, which is practically always, HAHA.

Anyway, he came to my house for dinner, and we watched movies and everything. He wanted to stay over, AND I THINK HE SHOULD HAVE. But he left in the end, aww ): He left at close to 1 am.

Yesterday, he came over again and we watched movies again and talked and everything till 1230am when he finally left. AND HE LIKES MY BED. It's super comfortable, more comfortable than his bed anyway (:

Mummy says she'll bring me shopping after she comes back from Malaysia, which is today I think. YAY.

(Oh and I am not super greedy alright. I didn't get like loads of birthday presents from my classmates or anything alright. For your information not a SINGLE one of my current classmates even gave me a birthday present, excluding Calvin. HAH you're probably thinking like they couldn't even be bothered to give me a birthday present even when they ditched me on my birthday, but whatever I think that too. Some even have the cheek to say "it's the thought that counts" and they can go suck donkey balls for all I care.)

Ciao ciaos (:


♥Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I haven't even started revising ANY of the sciences yet! HAHA. Okay I am officially screwed lalala. By the way it's 11:30 pm now and all thre science exams are tomorrow.

And I am verrrrrrry sick of Blogger now because everyone's using it! So I think that I'm moving permanently to LJ, instead of using it as a secondary blog. Details will not be enclosed as yet. (HAHA like so big shot sia.)

OKAY I shall reply a few comments. To be honest I rarely read them because Haloscan takes quite long to load and waiting for it bores me HAH. And so they build up and I'm lazy to reply all of them.

ASHLEY: hello partnerrrrr :D
MAG & LOUISE: Yes I feel better :D
GABBY: You are a BITCH.
MAG: Shit sorry about your camera! I'll return SOON I promise.

HAHA I shall not reply the Anonymouses, sorry. I don't like talking to strangers (:

Oh but but I have to reply "somebody": YOU SCARE ME. Your "advice" seems to be really perverted and I think that if you're not a guy then you're probably a lesbian. Figure hugging clothes? Short skirts? Omg.


♥Sunday, June 24, 2007


Good luck to everyone for JCTs I guess.

Please wish me back because I need all the luck I can get. Haven't even started doing my own revision for any of the subjects, oh goddamnit.
And I want to go back to Anglican High. Screw exams (: Spencer dear and I wanna go eat the chicken rice! I seriously miss the yummy chicken rice! TJC food sucksbigballs.

Okay that's it I guess? I'm off to watch a movie, then I'll start catching up on my revision HAHA.

(And you don't have to worry about me, because I honestly couldn't give two shits about the exams. If I fail, I'll be expelled from TJC, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. So really, just concentrate on your own studying and leave me alone to do my own thing :D )


♥Friday, June 22, 2007

Hello. This is Justina's boyfriend, Spencer here. Justina's having kind of a headache so here I am, blogging in her stead.

Today, I woke up at noon. I called her immediately after brushing my teeth. When I asked her what time I should go over to her place, she told me not to because apparently her shingles are extremely disgusting. Well baby, even shingles look hot on you.

After that, I heard her maid asking her if she wanted lunch in the background, and she answered," yes!" before telling me she was going to eat and that she would call me back later. However, I just wanted to see her so badly, so I went to the condominium in which she resides anyway. Upon reaching my destination, I called her, and asked her if her dad was already home because I saw her lift on her floor, the ninth floor. She told me no, and carried on talking as if nothing had happened. When I pointed out that she did not ask me how I knew her lift was on her floor, she went,"Oh! How you know!" Proceded by lots of exclaims of embarrassment due to her blur-ness.

Needless to say, she came down soon. But that was only after brushing her teeth even though she already had in the morning, don't know why=/

When she thought she had to go back, we decided that we could not get enough of each other, so she took her studying stuff downstairs where we could sit together and she could do her work. She changed out of her shorts because she did not want others to see her disgusting shingles. but disgusting shingles still look good on you baby. We did not get much work done, but at least it was some work. We spent most of the time being lame and just enjoying each other's company. I went home at about five. And she went home to sleep. Again.

I love you, sweetie.


♥Thursday, June 21, 2007

My shingles HURT LIKE HELL.

Okay it's not even funny anymore. My whole leg is so painful I have to LIMP when walking. And the wounds are getting worse.

Oh and today as I was getting up from the dining table after eating, my leg accidentally brushed the table and I screamed. Literally. And I couldn't get up until about twenty minutes later.

I think that everyone should stay away from me until it's cured, because if you've had chicken pox before and accidentally touch the wound, you may catch it as shingles. If you haven't got chicken pox before you'll catch it as chicken pox. So yes it is quite contagious.

And my family members are all washing their clothes seperately and staying away from me as well. God I feel isolated ):

And and it's affecting me alot because I'm too fatigued to even do anything anymore, much less study. Even typing this post is making me tired and I think I'm going to sleep now. I don't think I'll be blogging that much anymore until I'm fully recovered.

Ciao ciaos.

Extra random pictures from last time {I look too horrid to camwhore nowadays} :


♥Tuesday, June 19, 2007


In case you didn't know, Shingles is something like chicken pox, only that it's more painful and it affects the nerves.

AND worst of all, I will be fit to attend exams.


Piang eh.

Extra pictures from 3 days before:

Oh, today, I finally took out the "My first pal Elmo" that Jollin and Tengrui gave me for my christmas present. And my sis kept taking it to hold as a pillow.

The hand grabbing Elmo's ass is my sister's. Did I forget to mention? She's a paedophile.

I rest my case.


No, 2D.

I don't understand the stupid people who designed this toy. MAKE UP YOUR MIND LEH YOU WANT 2D OR 3D? Confusing bastards.

Oh and did you know that Spencer dear and I are so close that he can actually accept my flying kisses?

What did I tell you :D

* Yes I do realise that my "too" in the flying kiss picture of me is spelt wrongly. Shut up.


Everyone loves talking 'bout the glamorous.

{EDIT} After reading this post, I've realised that this is one of the most profound posts I have ever written, so you sure as hell should go read it even though it's so wordy. {/END EDIT}

I was just thinking.

People who like to gossip or talk about others behind their backs are either:

a) Nerds
b) Losers
c) Wannabes but cannot make it

I think it was Ashley who told me that the bitchiest people are the nerds, while we were in OBS. Which is true. Nerds have no "juiciness". Their lives are just so dry and boring. I mean, think about it. If you'd want to gossip about someone, it would have to be about something good and juicy and glamorous, right? Not something like "Oh, I spotted XXX doing hardcore studying of eight hours of Math in the library just now. *Gasp*" Like please, who gives a shit about nerds.

And as wannabes are sour that they will forever remain as wannabes and can only watch the party from the sidelines, they'd have nowhere to vent their anger but by bitching about the person they were trying to be in the first place. Since they can't be cool/popular/glamorous, they'd have to settle for spreading nasty stories so that the person they're bitching about would be brought down to their level. Only that there's no chance for such a thing to happen. So yeah wannabes can just go on living their own sad, insignificant, uneventful little lives (:

Losers are just a combination of wannabes and nerds I guess. Which is pretty sad when you think about it.

Edwin once said, "If I hear someone bitching about someone else, the person they're bitching about is either very popular or very disliked by others." Or something to that extent. Of course he's not that deep, but something along that line with Singlish added :D


♥Sunday, June 17, 2007

Is it enough to die?


Yesterday, went to the Westin Stamford to eat at this restaurant called Equinox. We ate this buffet which cost 60 dollars per person, my family treated Spencer haha. Lucky guy.

The restaurant was damn cool! And it was on the 70th floor, so Spencer and I kept looking out the full length window to see if we can spot different buildings. :D And he doesn't recognize Victoria Concert Hall, loser :x Just kidding!

Ooh when it was raining, the view was COMPLETELY white because we were in the clouds! Being on the 70th floor is so fun.

Oh and I love foie gras. We had unlimited foie gras, and I ate like 5 plates, haha. But it's nice kay.

After that, Plaza Singapura to watch Fantastic Four. The show was not bad (: The Silver Surfer is cool.


♥Friday, June 15, 2007

If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home.

Damn it I want MONEY.

For some weird reason people always think that I'm rich. To clarify things:


Just because I'm lazy and prefer to have people waiting on me hand and foot doesn't mean that I'm rich :x

Tuition later oh shucks.

Watching Fantastic Four tomorrow with Spencer and my family :D
Ciao ciaos ;)


♥Thursday, June 14, 2007

But that's not the shape of my heart.

I'll study soon, just not now.

There's still plenty of time. As long as I pass English, I'll be a happy girl. The rest of the subjects can go eat shit for all I care, lalala.

It's not like I'm going to be a mathematician, or a scientist, or a geographer, or a historian anyway.
Oh and I never thought I'd say this, but I hate the holidays. Like seriously. Being cooped up at home with nothing to do but watch cartoons all day long is starting to drive me nuts. Studying is just going to send me over the edge. And Spencer's working ):

And and I have like 20 mosquito bites on my leg.

Damn you mosquito. One day I'll find you and tear off your wings and legs one by one while you're alive so you can watch yourself being ripped apart. Then I'll push on your stomach till all my blood comes out slowly. And then I'll squash and kill you.

Somebody saaaaaave meeeeeeeeeeeeee.


♥Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I tried to upload pictures, I really did. But Blogger is being a bitch again.

And I hate people who look down on others. Doing well in PSLE doesn't mean that you're damn smart or whatever. PSLE isn't even a mighty big deal. It's just a stupid teeny weeny exam.

Anyway I'm thinking about celebrating my next birthday in St James Power Station. Because the owner Mr Dennis Foo is my dad's good friend, so I'll beg my dad :D Yes I know that I've only just celebrated my birthday, but I'm planning ahead for my future okay, and you should too :x

Oh that'll be cool.

By the way I hate copycats. Alot. If I had my way all the copycats in the world would die die die )x

On a totally irrelevant note, Spencer's sister is a stalker and a bitch. She knows that we went to watch The Phantom of the Opera and that I got drunk at The Clinic on my birthday, and that's just so freaky. (He asked me to post this)

Ciao ciaos ;D

Thinking about parties and dancing give me such a warm, fuzzy feeling.


You can stand under my umbrella.

I am trying out Nuffnang! Someone told me to try it out, so yeah :D

Anyway, Spencer dear came over today for 9 hours, haha. Watched movies yeap. And I hate Gollum in LOTR. He is disgusting.

It;s too late to blog now. Tuition tomorrow with Charis and Rachel.

Chemistry, shudders.


♥Saturday, June 09, 2007

The best boyfriend in the world:

{EDIT} I blogged halfway yesterday, then gave up at 2 am and continued today.{/END EDIT}


Okay it's 1230 am now.

Which means that my birthday is over, aww.

Spent 12 hours with Spencer dear! Must thank him loads for turning what was expected to be the dullest and most disappointing birthday into a really good and fun and memorable one!
Bah even outsiders agree that these friends are just plain weird.
Went to Marina Square first. Ate at SPAGEDDIES. The food there is really nice, zomg. Spent loads of time there, then walked around.
Is it that hard to take a day off studying?
Later, trained to CLARKE QUAY :D Ate at Haagen Dazs! Then went to The Clinic and got drunk. Okay, just me. I know I suck. He had to support me all the way back home. Sorry dear ):
Nerds? Eww, hope not.
At home, we ate a birthday cake with my family, then we went into the study room to watch South Park! He left close to midnight, thank you sweetie!

Love you darling (((((((:

Went to Vivo to watch Shrek 3. Am begging my mom to let me go to DXO now. Ciao ciaos.


Why my boyfriend is better than your boyfriend.

Because your boyfriend didn't buy you a pink Sony W55 Cybershot for your birthday.

Thanks baby, haha.

Had a fun time, err, testing the camera, HAHA.


♥Friday, June 08, 2007

I ain't gonna let nobody's drama bother me.


:D :D :D :D :D

Finally 15! Can get IC!



Come on there has to be something else.

Oh no I guess there isn't.

Shit suddenly 15 doesn't seem such big a deal -.-

Aww feck! I'll just celebrate anyway! :D

Cause it's my night

No stress, no fights

I'm leaving it all behind

No tears, no time to cry

Just making the most of life


♥Thursday, June 07, 2007

I'll take you places where you've never been

Tomorrow's my birthday.

Feeling quite excited, because I'm going out with SPENCER DEAR :D

Millions of thanks to all those who decided to go study instead on my birthday, you made me feel really really special. Rolls eyes.

Anyway, Spencer darling came over again! We watched MTV and CIA and stuff. It was fun! Love him love him lots.


My first birthday present, HAHAHAHA.

Ciao ciaos ;D


♥Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Darling cut his hair, and I think it looks really nice! I like spiked hair heh.

I SWEAR I DIDN'T POSE FOR THIS TWIT PICTURE. I was just looking through all my pictures and suddenly came across this! I didn't even know that I took it!

I like this angle :D





:D :D :D :D :D :D


This is what happens when I have too much time to spare. SO..... DATE ME OUT :D

P.S Ashley I've been practicing. HAHA.


I am Justina, obviously. Blessed humanity on o8.o6.92. Msn me @ justleon@singnet.com and Email me @ babykisses92@gmail.com
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